Series of children's animations for the YouTube channel Heaven Network. The animations included musical numbers about Noah's Ark and other religious themes. This series of animations was targeted towards children ages 5 - 10.



2D Animation

3D Animation



Adobe After Effects

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Cinema 4D



Weekly 1 - 2 min animations in H.264 Format 16x9


At Totem, I worked for Heaven Network with a team of animators and designers. Once I was brought into the project, I was already provided with the music and a style sheet to follow to create the next characters and environments for the following animations. Each week, we would turn in a weekly animation for the client by first creating storyboards and sketches. This process usually takes one day in total. Once the storyboard was completed, we created a breakdown for the animation due that week. We would divide each shot between four animators, and each animator would have to develop style frames and animations for the shots they were provided.


Once we had our storyboard/animatic synced to the music, we began to create vector characters, assets, and environments. This usually takes around two days. Each designer had their own style frame assigned from the breakdown we made. We would also keep a catalog of vector assets to recycle them for other animations or environments.


The remaining days were spent animating each of the shots assigned to each animator. This usually takes around 3 days. We would create a master comp in DropBox, and each animator would work on that comp in their individual After Effects File. For some shots, 3D was required, so we would work those assets individually in Cinema 4D and then comp them in After Effects. By the end of the week, each animator was in charge of uploading their comps to the main comp in Dropbox for final review.

Reached over 540K views on YouTube and increased subscriber count to over 3 million subscribers.




Creative direction: Sergio Castaneda

Art Direction: Sergio Castaneda

Animation: Rodrigo Villegas, Hoover Soza, Aldair Sanchez

Design: Rodrigo Villegas, Hoover Soza, Aldair Sanchez

The most challenging part of this project was meeting the client deadlines and being able to produce weekly animations.


BBVA Bancomer

